Harán de Chapultepec el centro cultural y artístico “más grande del mundo”

Medio Ambiente

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador dio a conocer el Proyecto Cultural en el Bosque de Chapultepec, que integrará 800 hectáreas para la recreación cultural y artística de los mexicanos, y afirmó que será el espacio más importante y grande del mundo.

En su conferencia de prensa matutina, López Obrador refirió que el proyecto será coordinado por el artista Gabriel Orozco, quien laborará de manera gratuita, y contará con el apoyo de las secretarías de la Defensa Nacional y la de Cultura, así como del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México.

En las 800 hectáreas que integrarán la nueva Cuarta Sección del Bosque de Chapultepec, la gente podrá ingresar de manera libremente y con seguridad, aseguro el mandatario federal, quien aseveró que es un acompañamiento a lo que significa la transformación del país.

"Será el espacio cultural y artístico más grande del mundo. Va a ser un espacio libre, gratuito. Va a ser un espacio seguro en estas 800 hectáreas se va a poder caminar con libertad y seguridad.", dijo.

Además informó que una vez terminado este proyecto, que será coordinado por el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, habrá seguridad garantizada, la cual correrá a cargo de la Guardia Nacional y "habrá todas las modalidades de protección: policía montada, guardabosques", entre otros elementos de seguridad.

"Esto es un acompañamiento a lo que significa la transformación del país, en cuanto al cambio de la forma de gobernar para que nuestro pueblo viva en condiciones de justicia", aseveró López Obrador en conferencia.



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На сегодняшний день самым эстетичным методом протезирования считаются безметалловые коронки. При этом под словом «керамика» подразумеваются самые разные химические соединения <a href="https://studiaulybki.ru">имплантация зубов в волгограде цены84</a>

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<a href="https://vibromera.eu/product/balanset-1/">balancing tool</a>

<p>The Balanset-1A is a cutting-edge portable balancing tool designed for dynamic balancing in various industrial applications. It serves a crucial role in enhancing the performance and longevity of rotating machinery by effectively analyzing and correcting vibration issues. Industries using this tool include manufacturing, agriculture, and energy, where devices such as crushers, fans, mulchers, augers on combines, shafts, centrifuges, and turbines are prevalent. The Balanset-1A stands out due to its dual-channel operation, allowing it to conduct dynamic balancing in two planes simultaneously, thereby increasing the accuracy and efficiency of the balancing process.</p>

<p>This portable balancer comes equipped with two vibration sensors (vibro accelerometers) and an optical sensor (laser tachometer), providing comprehensive data for vibration analysis. The advanced features of the Balanset-1A enable technicians to evaluate the vibration levels and phase angles of rotating machinery accurately. This thorough analysis is essential for determining the necessity and amount of weight adjustments required to restore balance and optimize function.</p>

<p>One of the prominent aspects of the Balanset-1A is its user-friendly interface, which accommodates both novice users and experienced professionals. The device features a software package that permits real-time data logging and post-analysis, enabling users to track performance metrics over time. The measurement capabilities of the Balanset-1A include rotational speed (RPM), overall vibration levels, and frequency spectrum analysis, utilizing methods such as FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) for detailed insights into vibration characteristics.</p>

<p>In terms of operational flexibility, the Balanset-1A supports multiple balancing modes, including single and two-plane balancing. Single-plane balancing focuses on reducing vibrations in a single direction, while two-plane balancing provides a more sophisticated approach by addressing imbalances in two dimensions. This versatility makes the Balanset-1A ideal for varying rotor types, optimizing performance across different applications.</p>

<p>Additionally, the Balanset-1A utilizes a polar graph to visually depict imbalance, allowing users to better understand the positioning and distribution of corrective weights needed for balancing. The inclusion of a tolerance calculator compliant with ISO 1940 ensures that users can adhere to industry standards for acceptable vibration levels, promoting best practices in machinery maintenance.</p>

<p>The device also features various charting capabilities for a deeper analysis of vibration patterns. With options for overall charts, harmonic charts, and spectrum charts, users gain insight into the frequency components affecting machine performance. The capability to archive and retrieve past balancing sessions is another innovative aspect of the Balanset-1A, facilitating continual improvement and process optimization in machinery maintenance routines.</p>

<p>Powering the Balanset-1A is straightforward, as it operates within a voltage range of 140-220 VAC at 50 Hz, making it suitable for use in different geographical regions. Weighing just 4 kg, the Balanset-1A is engineered for portability, allowing technicians to easily transport and utilize the device on-site whenever necessary. The inclusion of optional longer sensor cables also enhances flexibility, accommodating various operational setups without compromising on performance.</p>

<p>Furthermore, the Balanset-1A provides compatibility with both Imperial and Metric measurement systems, further emphasizing its global usability. This adaptability ensures that users from different regions can operate the device without confusion, contributing to efficient workflow and standarization in balancing practices. The combination of high precision, comprehensive features, and user-friendly operation positions the Balanset-1A as an invaluable balancing tool across multiple industries.</p>

<p>The product is complemented by various accessories available for purchase. This includes additional vibration sensors, optical sensors, magnetic stands, and reflective tape, enhancing the functionality of the Balanset-1A. These components allow users to tailor their setup according to specific operational requirements while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of their balancing processes.</p>

<p>In conclusion, the Balanset-1A is a state-of-the-art portable balancing tool that addresses the complexities of rotor balancing and vibration analysis with precision and versatility. By integrating advanced technologies and user-friendly features, it proves essential for maintaining operational efficiency in rotating machinery. The device not only helps in reducing equipment wear and tear but also enhances overall productivity by minimizing downtime through accurate analysis and timely corrective measures. Its capacity to adapt to various rotor types and work environments underscores its role as an essential asset for industries focusing on sustained operational health and performance.</p>

Пошаговое руководство по восстановлению прозрачности фар с помощью наждачной бумаги разной зернистости. Советы по выбору материалов и технике обработки <a href="https://avto-digest.com/avto/spasaem-pozheltevshie-fary-poshagovoe-rukovodstvo-po-podboru-abrazivnyh-materialov/">наждачная бумага для полировки фар</a>

Пошаговое руководство по восстановлению прозрачности фар с помощью наждачной бумаги разной зернистости. Советы по выбору материалов и технике обработки <a href="https://gardensofdelight.info/avto/403-ekonomim-s-umom-skolko-nazhdachnoj-bumagi-nuzhno-dlya-polirovki-far/">https://gardensofdelight.info/avto/403-ekonomim-s-umom-skolko-nazhdachnoj-bumagi-nuzhno-dlya-polirovki-far/</a>


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